We got on the cell phone bandwagon about two years ago, thus being one of the last families in the local region to actually give in to the temptation of Big Brother knowing our every move (I swear that someday we'll all find out that our cell phone tracking devices have been routinely monitored by the government or some pop-up ad agency for years). BUT at that time we also gave up our satellite TV and our Internet. We were officially in the dark ages.
Now in the past six months I've gotten a cool new cell phone with a full text keyboard (Steph, too)...PLUS a Wii, satellite TV (again), Internet (again), a new computer with a huge LCD screen, and various games for the Wii and PS2. I'm in electronic overload.
Case in point: Curt keeps asking me how I'm doing in Tiger Woods Wii Golf. To be honest, I've only touched it twice. I've spent my spare time recently at sprinkler parks, building shed doors, and reading books (and I don't mean the ones on the Internet. These are actually made of paper). Of course I've also started a blog. Life has reached a paradox of sorts. There's a Billy Joel song about that. Bonus points if you can tell me the title plus the album it's from.
My Yarny Goodness
14 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines of REM "It's the End of the World as We Know It." Hope this week goes by quickly for you!
Stab in the dark and perhaps a bit obscure but if your reffering to the paradox of time and trying to do to much at once I'd guess your thinking about Vienna from The Stranger.
Is there a prize if I do? I don't really enjoy games just for the sake of playing, I want the prize. Not just the self satisfaction that comes from kicking some one else's ass
Look, you can't just start a blog and not update for those of us who read this crap. Just saying...
~your loving sister
Yea, what Nain said...
Especially when you go and challenge us with a name that song quiz.
Wow. I've got a cult following. I've never been a cult leader before. Just a follower.
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